Tuition and Payment

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1/2-hour Class $58.90 (includes HST)
45-min Class $74.10 (includes HST)
1-hour Class $89.20 (includes HST)
Annual Membership Fee
1 Dancer due at the time of Registration
$25 (includes hst)
Annual Membership Fee
Family Rate due at time of Registration
$40 (includes hst)
Recital Fee
Per Family
$30 (includes hst)
includes digital download – Video and Program


1 Dancer: $25

Family Rate:  $40


  • September payment is due at time of registration and is non-refundable in order to hold a place for you dancer in that class
  • Monthly Lesson fees for your dancer’s lessons are due on the 1st of each month October 2024-June 2025
  • Payments can be made by credit card, debit or cash. All payments made after the 15th of each month are subject to a late charge (unless otherwise arranged)
  • Costume deposits for the Year End Recital are due November 1st 2024 and February 1st 2025. Costume deposits are non-refundable
  • If your dancer wishes to not continue dancing, the front desk must be told 30 days prior. Refunds will be given according to the payment plan

Thank you for continuing your dance journey with CM Dancing!

Never hesitate to contact us for any questions you may have!  Our staff is here to help.

Email Us: [email protected]
Call Us: (905)318-5533​​