Policies | Dress Code

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Welcome to CM Dancing!

It is with great pride that the staff at CM Dancing’s goal is to inspire dancers of all ages to follow their hearts and express their souls through dance.  Hard work and dedication from both the choreographers and dancers make this possible in every dance class.  Wish It…Dream It…Do It!


For the safety of each dancer, please adhere to the dress code we provide.  CLICK HERE to download a printable guide.


  • Our program runs from September 7th 2024 – June 21st, 2025
  • Year End Recital is held June 2025 (tentative date – maybe subject to change)
  • It is strongly recommended that dancers attend their classes on a regular basis. Recital choreography begins in February 2025 and it is recommended that dancers not miss more than three classes between February-June.


  • September payment is due at time of registration and is non-refundable in order to hold a place for you dancer in that class
  • Monthly Lesson fees for your dancer’s lessons are due on the 1st of each month October 2024-June 2025
  • Payments can be made by credit card, debit or cash. All payments made after the 15th of each month are subject to a late charge (unless otherwise arranged)
  • Costume deposits for the Year End Recital are due November 1st 2024 and February 1st 2025. Costume deposits are non-refundable
  • If your dancer wishes to not continue dancing, the front desk must be told 30 days prior. Refunds will be given according to the payment plan


  • Instructors will assess all students during the first few weeks of classes to establish suitable class and skill levels
  • CM Dancing has the right to combine or cancel classes, temporarily or permanently, without advanced notice, due to an emergency or low enrolment


  • The studio is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles. Please leave your valuables at home
  • Spectators are not allowed in class. Studio cameras have been provided for your viewing pleasure at the instructor’s discretion
  • Water Only is permitted in the dance rooms
  • No food or drinks are permitted in the change room
  • Please treat the studio as your second home. Please clean up after yourself the necessary
  • The lunch room is an area for the dancers to eat, do home work and relax in-between classes. This area is not to used as a seating area for parents or an area to do dancers hair.
  • Important Notices: Newsletters and seasonal information will be distributed by email. The studio is not responsible for missed notices due to absence.  All notices will also be posted in the lobby
  • Please keep your email address up-to-date with the front desk


Proper and respectful conduct is expected at all times within the doors of CM Dancing.  Disrespecting any member of the faculty or dancers, foul language and noisy conduct is not acceptable.

  • Chewing gum is prohibited
  • All jewelry must be removed and preferably left at home before class
  • Cell phones may be brought into class on vibrate and are not to be used within class time unless it is to record any content needed for practicing purposes only (with permission of the teacher)
  • No outdoor footwear is to be worn into the dance rooms. Dance shoes and indoor hip-hop shoes must be worn at all times as well as the proper dance attire; please refer to the uniform located on the back cover of the schedule.